NESG header image

NESG galleries

Decorative image label for Structure Gallery>
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              <A href=''><b>Structure gallery</b></A>
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                Gallery of NESG structures with annotations and available data sets.
            <img src='img/gallery_bionet.png' border=0' alt= Human Cancer Protein Interaction Network (HCPIN) gallery
Protein - protein intraction maps of biochemical pathways known to be involved in
Human cancers. Protein nodes are shown as structures and models when available.

Decorative image label for Markus gallery of functional annotations Markus gallery of functional annotations
Gallery of functional annotations for all NESG structures based on Markus,
which uses structural similarity and biophysical properties to provide specific
hypotheses regarding biochemical functions.

Decorative image label for Gallery of C. elegans structues and models C. elegans structure gallery
Gallery of C. elegans structures and models provided by the NESG and other groups.

Decorative image label for Prokaryotic Fe-S cluster assembly structure gallery Prokaryotic Fe-S cluster assembly structure gallery
Schemata of E. Coli ISC and SUF operons with NESG structures and models

Decorative image label for Eukarytoic Fe-S cluster assembly network gallery Eukaryotic Fe-S cluster assembly network gallery
Protein - protein interaction network of Eukaryotic Fe-S cluster assembly.