NESG header image


Decorative Spine image label Spine
NESG project coordination database

Decorative DBHarvest image label HarvestDB
NESG structure deposition and data archival tools.

Decorative PLIMS image label pLIMS   (restricted access)
NESG protein production information managment system.

Decorative CRSH image label CRSH database
CRSHs - groups of homologous microbial proteins likely to have equivalent biochemical functions.

Decorative RDC public database image label NESG Residual Dipolar Coupling (RDC) Public Database
A publicly-accessible searchable database of > 150 RDC data sets and alignment conditions obtained for NESG target proteins.

NMR / X-Ray crystallography structure pair data NMR / X-Ray crystallography structure pair
A publicly-accessible NMR / X-Ray crystallography structure pair data archive.

Decorative NMR-CASD - NMR critical assessment of NMR structure determination methods image label NMR-CASD - NMR Critical Assessment of NMR
Structure Determination Methods

Decorative PSI-KB (protein structure initiative knowldege base) image label PSI-KB     Protein Structure Initiative Knowledge Base

Decorative PSI materials repository image label PSI-MR     PSI Materials Repository